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MoClip - the agency with the physicist

Moritz Bechtold | Geschäftsführer von MoClip

Moritz Bechtold - the mind behind MoClip

Die Geschichte von MoClip, ist die vom Gründer Moritz Bechtold. Er ist Physiker und Technik-Fanatiker. Mit MoClip verbindet er seine naturwissenschaftliche Expertise mit der Produktion von Videos für den Technik-Sektor.

Unlike most agencies, he is neither an artist nor a business economist... He is a technician who can shoot videos.

Wie sieht ein Physiker die Welt?

„Physics is fun!“

Moritz Bechtold was enthusiastic about technology from a young age. It started with dismantled video recorders and culminated in a motorized bobby car. His parents were happy when they came out of his room and didn't have a screw stuck in their foot. He has been programming since he was 12 years old. He received an award in physics from the German Physical Society and took advanced courses in math and physics.

So it made sense to him to study physics - the mother of the natural sciences and the basis of engineering. He chose to study at the TU Darmstadt, known for its challenging course of study.

Teil der Bachelorarbeit: Messung der Oberflächenenergie

From studying to self-employment

He has been involved in video production since he was around 15 years old. Even before becoming self-employed, he won awards for his video and marketing activities, such as "Firefighter of the Month" for the Griesheim Fire Department, for which he volunteered for 21 years.

Time and again, he realized how valuable and important videos are when complex things need to be explained quickly and simply or when the aim is to attract attention in an entertaining way. And so, while he was still working on his bachelor's thesis on corona treatment to influence the surface energy of plastic films, he founded the video agency MoClip.

Die Arbeitsweise bei MoClip

The way we work

With his agency MoClip, Moritz Bechtold is focused, efficient and always has his eye on the essentials. His aim is to constantly improve the quality of the videos. He knows current trends and is up to date with the latest technology. Moritz Bechtold shoots and edits the videos himself - this ensures that everything comes together and that the two disciplines of shooting and editing complement each other perfectly.

After founding MoClip, he quickly realized he was on the right track. Working with and for technical companies is perfect for the physicist: there are no communication problems because everyone speaks on the same level, he can use all his knowledge and skills, the analytical thinking and solution-oriented action skills he acquired during his studies for his customers and he simply enjoys his work.

Frequently asked questions

Why MoClip was found

Warum wurde MoClip gegründet?

Why study physics?

Wieso das Physik-Studium?

Why not a film degree?

Warum kein klassisches Film-Studium?
Moritz Bechtold bei der Arbeit

Technical knowledge

How we get you to your destination faster based on technical knowledge

MoClip isn't a "we can do everything!"- marketing agency consisting of chaotic creative minds, and that's not what it is supposed to be. Instead we are specialized particularly in supporting technical companies with exactly one product for their marketing: video.

Our founder set the foundation with his studies in physics. The work on the partly high complex experimental setups, led him to the desire to find an easy solution for the explanation. With video he found it, and made it his mission, to enable all technical companies to use video.

Furthermore, he learned to analyze and to understand highly complex connections. This is exactly what is necessary, to meet the very particular requirements of our customers. Along with that and with the aspiration on high quality, we guaranty not only to meet your needs, but also that the video will serve its purpose.

Would you send a professional soccer player out on the basketball field?

No? Then head to MoClip!

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How you benefit from efficient video production

Large production companies often bring far too many people to the shoot. This is neither necessary nor effective for most videos. It is simply time-consuming and expensive.

At MoClip we work in small teams and you have a fixed contact person who is available for you. Our goal is to get the most out of your video with appropriate effort.

Do you want a lot of video for little money in a short time?

Then head to MoClip!

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How we make a perfect first impression on your customers

Videos create the perfect first impression. And it has to be spot on!

That's why it's important for you and us to be up to date. This applies to everything from the concept, image quality, coloring and editing to the finished video file. Your requirements regarding your corporate design and all technical specifications for later use are strictly adhered to.

We are not satisfied with mediocrity! We focus on the highest quality!

Have you been wanting videos that make a difference for a long time?

Then head to MoClip!

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